Last Friday's daily square. Day 261 of 2017. Clouds series.
Most people have heard by now about the power of gratitude. It’s almost a cliché. People say "Yeah, Yeah. I know I should write a gratitude list or be grateful for all the good things that I have in my life. " As with all ideas that become clichés, there is a profound truth embedded in them.
When we live in a state of gratitude you begin to see the good all around you. When you start looking for the good around you, you see even more and more good in your life. The power of gratitude is that it appears to magnify the good in your life. Perhaps the good in your life has always been there and it’s a question of seeing and acknowledging it.
Thanksgiving is about traditions and turkey and our favorite side dishes. But it’s mostly about the connections we have with the important people in our lives.
So over this holiday weekend of Thanksgiving in the United States, my #1 goal is to live in the state of gratitude for the people and places in my life that make my every day life feel rich, full and abundant.
One of the many things that I’m grateful for is having people who read my weekly Studio Notes and, hopefully, think about something that makes their lives better for having read it.
Thank you for being one of those readers.