If you’ve been following along with my Every Day Project for the past two and a half years, now is your chance to own a piece of it for yourself.
Green and Purple Nos. 1 through 4
This week I am introducing small 10 inch square pieces of my Every Day Project series for sale in my redesigned shop on my website.
Here is the link to my shop to check it out.
Blue Square Nos. 1 through 4
If you or someone you care about loves nature-inspired, colorful art and modern design, this might be a good fit for you.
I am using the daily squares from three different series. I picked the Green and Purple series, the Blue Square series and the Compassion series. Each small piece includes four daily squares sewn together. I selected these series for the small pieces because of the simpler color palette and/or design.
I want my art to be affordable and accessible so I am making the Every Day Project art available in three different sizes. First, this week I am adding small 10 inch pieces from three different series. Next week, I’ll be adding medium 16 inch x 20 inch pieces from three other series. The following week, I will unveil the large 24 inch pieces with more complex designs that need a bigger space to show off the interplay between the daily squares. .
All of these pieces in My Shop are daily squares from the Every Day Project sewn together and wrapped around a stretched canvas frame.
You may notice I decided not to quilt the squares. So I had a breakthrough moment about a month ago. I realized I did not have to sew all 25 squares of a series and quilt it in a traditional way with batting and backing. Liberating moment. As my long term readers know, I like the design phase and making the squares phase. I am eager to move onto the next series idea but not so eager to do the quilting of the three layers of the 25 Days Pieces. To be honest I have quite the backlog of daily squares not sewn together. This was a revealing moment to me. Why force myself to do something I am not overly fond of? I have options.
Compassion Nos. 1 through 4
For my two art shows, I have made a few small pieces using my fabric art wrapped around a stretched canvas. I really like the way the piece hangs on the wall and the flatness of the design with no quilting lines. It makes the graphic quality of the fabric art itself really standout. So I thought what about doing this for even the larger pieces, just using a larger stretched canvas frame? I also thought about introducing a non-square size frame. Radical.
So now you know why I am doing this. Consider adding unique art to your home purchased directly from the artist. I have My Shop up and running by November 1 in time for holiday shopping.
As someone who reads my Studio Notes, I know my art resonates with you. I have learned that small businesses get 85% of their business from referrals.
If you like what you see available for purchase, could you think of one or two people just like you who might be interested in purchasing my art?
If you would, please talk to them about my art and forward them the My Shop link. This is how my art business can grow and I appreciate your help.
I have big plans for next year with new series ideas and need to clear out the Every Day Project art to make room. Thanks for helping me make that happen.